Cool Off with a Refreshing Twist: A New Low-Cost, High-Impact Poolside Amenity to Try this Summer

Elevate Your Guests' Poolside Experience with Skin-Friendly Infused Ice Cubes

By: Steve Turk

The weather is turning up the heat, and resorts are brimming with guests seeking to soak up the sun by the pool. How do you make their poolside experience even better? What if there was an inexpensive, easy-to-implement amenity that would not only cool your guests, but also offer surprising health benefits? The answer might be as simple as a tray of ice cubes.

We're not talking about your everyday, run-of-the-mill ice cubes. These are infused with natural ingredients, offering an unexpected twist on hydration, wellness, and refreshment. It's a unique, personalized touch that guests will love and remember, creating an amplified poolside experience.

At 1 pm and 3 pm, when the sun is at its peak and guests are in need of a cool respite. An employee, armed with a stylish, rolling ice chest, parades the pool deck, handing out these unique, health-infused ice cubes.

It's an amenity that's as simple as it is impactful, with a low implementation cost and high potential for enhancing the guest experience. What’s more, all the tools you need to execute this idea can be readily ordered from Amazon and put in place in a week.

Here are three types of infused ice cubes to start with:

Green Tea Ice Cubes: These are as simple to make as brewing green tea and freezing it in an ice cube tray once cooled. Guests can be informed about the antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory benefits that green tea provides to the skin.

Aloe Vera Ice Cubes: Blend natural aloe vera gel with a small amount of water and freeze. These soothing cubes can offer relief from sunburns and contribute to healthier skin, making them a delightful addition on a hot day.

Cucumber Ice Cubes: Chopped cucumber added to water and frozen creates a revitalizing cube that brings tired skin back to life after a day in the sun.

The execution of this simple yet effective amenity can transform a regular pool day into a memorable experience for your guests, placing your resort at the forefront of innovative hospitality.

Here are the links to purchase the necessary items:

We invite you to try out this refreshing idea and let us know how it goes. After all, what could be cooler than infusing an ordinary day at the pool with a touch of unexpected luxury?




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